Does going meat-free really affect your sex life? 4 reasons meat-free makes you sexy!

According to a recent study by the vegan dating app Veggly, 67% of vegans say that they experienced a better sex life (notably, enhanced sexual performance) when switching to a meat-free, vegan lifestyle. Veggly found that a massive 71% of men noticed a difference, compared to 59% (which is still an amazing amount!) of women. 

Why do vegans have better sex?

There are lots of reasons for this improvement, from the psychological to the physical; the emotional to the spiritual. Here are a few we know of:

  1. Chemicals in meat negatively affect mood
    A 2012 study, comparing the diets of both omnivores and vegetarians discovered that the stress scales of meat-eaters was higher and mood-states lower than that of their vegetarian counterparts. This is because of a chemical called arachidonic acid which is found in much higher concentrates in meat-heavy diets and can cause changes in the brain that can disturb the mood. We don't need a study to tell us that our mood strongly affects our desires and motivation in the bedroom department, so it stands to reason that better moods make for a better sex-life.

  2. Better blood flow
    A diet low in saturated fats can help improve your blood-flow by making it less viscous, therefore allowing it to flow more freely and more efficiently pump oxygen to the required muscles… Need we say more? Okay, well nitrate-rich plant foods also help to improve vascular function by relaxing the blood vessels so blood can flow more freely.

  3. More stamina
    Being meat-free can increase your energy. This is because your body isn’t using as much energy for digesting the foods you eat (news flash: meat is hard to digest!). This, plus the absence of added sugar and saturated fats means that you are less likely to have blood-sugar spikes and crashes as well. Of course, being meat-free isn’t a free pass, you have to be getting the correct nutrients for your body- a vegan that only eats chips isn’t going to get all the benefits of a balanced and nutrient rich plant-based diet.

  4. Plant-based smells better!
    And yes, we’re talking about all the bodily excretions! The basics are that eating dead flesh will make your excretions smell more like dead flesh, it’s a no-brainer. And, it’s certainly not sexy when your significant other leaves a disastrous smell for you to deal with in the bathroom every morning!

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Vegans make better lovers

It’s not rocket science that feeling healthier and more energised will make you feel sexier. Baywatch star and ‘sexy’ icon herself, Pamela Anderson even says that “Vegans make better lovers. The cholesterol in meat, eggs, and dairy causes hardening of the arteries (and not much else).”

Should I go meat-free for my sex life?

Well, everything is worth trying at least once! If you’re feeling low-energy; low-motivation; low-mood, or just a bit meh- even a small lifestyle change can make a world of difference. It has been proven that even reducing your meat intake by one day each week can improve your health, so why not make a small step toward a bigger change today? You never know, maybe it will help with more than just your bedroom skills! If you’re seriously into meat, using meat-free alternatives is an easy way to start replacing meals.

Find out more about the science behind soy and soy-based products.

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